Tinker-HP is a massively MPI parallel package (multi-CPUs & multi-GPUs) dedicated to classical molecular dynamics (MD) and to multiscale simulations, using advanced polarizable force fields (PFF) encompassing distributed multipoles electrostatics, classical force fields and neural networks. Tinker-HP is an evolution of the popular Tinker package code that conserves its simplicity of use. Grounded on interdisciplinary efforts with applied mathematics, Tinker-HP allows for long polarizable MD simulations on large systems up to millions of atoms. It includes the newly developed extension of massively parallel 3D spatial decomposition  The design of the code allows the use of various computer systems ranging from laboratory workstations to modern petascale supercomputers with thousands of cores. Tinker-HP proposes therefore the first high-performance scalable CPU/GPU computing environment for the development of next generation potentials and for production simulations. Strategies linking Tinker-HP to Quantum Mechanics (QM) in the framework of multiscale polarizable self-consistent QM/MD simulations are also provided.  Overall, a several thousand-fold acceleration over a single-core Tinker computation is observed for the largest systems.

  • Tinker-HP: a Massively Parallel Molecular Dynamics Package for Multiscale Simulations of Large Complex Systems with Advanced Polarizable Force Fields. L. Lagardère, L.-H. Jolly, F. Lipparini, F. Aviat, B. Stamm, Z. F. Jing, M. Harger, H. Torabifard, G. A. Cisneros, M. J. Schnieders, N. Gresh, Y. Maday, P. Ren, J. W. Ponder, J.-P. Piquemal, Chem. Sci., 2018, 9, 956-972 (Open Access)
    DOI: 10.1039/C7SC04531J
  • Tinker-HP : Accelerating Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Large Complex Systems with Advanced Point Dipole Polarizable Force Fields using GPUs and Multi-GPUs systems.
    O. Adjoua,  L. Lagardère, L.-H. Jolly, Arnaud Durocher, Z. Wang, T. Very, I. Dupays, T. Jaffrelot Inizan, F. Célerse, P. Ren, J. Ponder, J-P. Piquemal, J. Chem. Theory. Comput., 202117, 4, 2034–2053 (Open Access) (COVER)[HAL][ArXiv]
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.0c01164

Check the Tinker-HP’s website: https://tinker-hp.org
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