New article published in Chemical Science: Scalable Hybrid Deep Neural Networks/Polarizable Potentials Biomolecular Simulations including Long-range Effects. T. Jaffrelot Inizan, T. Plé, O. Adjoua, P. Ren, H. Gökcan, O. Isayev, L. Lagardère, Jean-Philip Piquemal, Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 5438-5452

Deep-HP is a scalable extension of the Tinker-HP multi-GPUs molecular dynamics (MD) package enabling the use of Pytorch/TensorFlow Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) models. Deep-HP increases DNNs MD capabilities by orders of magnitude offering access to ns simulations for 100k-atom biosystems while offering the possibility of coupling DNNs to any classical (FFs) and many-body polarizable (PFFs) force fields. It allows therefore to introduce the ANI-2X/AMOEBA hybrid polarizable potential designed for ligand binding studies where solvent-solvent and solvent-solute interactions are computed with the AMOEBA PFF while solute-solute ones are computed by the ANI-2x DNN. ANI-2X/AMOEBA explicitly includes AMOEBA’s physical long-range interactions via an efficient Particle Mesh Ewald implementation while preserving ANI-2X’s solute short-range quantum mechanical accuracy. The DNNs/PFFs partition can be user-defined allowing for hybrid simulations to include biosimulation key ingredients such as polarizable solvents, polarizable counter ions, etc… ANI-2X/AMOEBA is accelerated using a multiple-timestep strategy focusing on the models contributions to low-frequency modes of nuclear forces. It primarily evaluates AMOEBA forces while including ANI-2x ones only via correction-steps resulting in an order of magnitude acceleration over standard Velocity Verlet integration. Simulating more than 10 μs, we compute charged/uncharged ligands solvation free energies in 4 solvents, and absolute binding free energies of host–guest complexes from SAMPL challenges. ANI-2X/AMOEBA average errors are within chemical accuracy opening the path towards large-scale hybrid DNNs simulations, at force-field cost, in biophysics and drug discovery.

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